Friday, April 12, 2013

Boom Goes the Dynamite!

Eyes Don't Lie...Or Do They?
By Ryan Frisco

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We've seen blown calls before.  It happens in all sports.  They all have some sort of referee that monitors the play and makes the calls.  Usually, they get it right.  Sometimes, they're a bit off.  Other times, they're off their rockers.  We know what calls I'm talking about.  I'm talking about calls like umpire Jim Joyce blowing a call at first base that cost Armando Galarraga a Perfect Game and No-Hitter all at once.  I'm talking about the referees calling a touchdown catch for Golden Tate instead of an interception for M.D. Jennings, which cost Green Bay a game they should have won.  And, most recently, I'm talking about Marty Foster calling a delayed Strike 3 on Ben Zobrist on a pitch that clearly was well outside and in the dirt.  The call ended the 1-run game with the tying run on base.  Zobrist and Manager Joe Madden were clearly, and rightfully, enraged.  Have a peak!

Unbelievable! In what world was that ever a strike?!  There are really no words to describe that event.  The ball was no where near the strike zone.  Ben Zobrist knew that, that's why he threw the bat on his way to first, since it was ball four.  Joe Nathan knew that, as you can see him mouth the word 'Wow' on his way in from the mound.  Marty Foster knew that, as post game comments have included him stating, "I saw the pitch, and, of course I don't have the chance to do it again, but had I a chance to do it again, I wouldn't call that pitch a strike."

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What are we supposed to do now?  What do you do with an umpire who so clearly missed a call?  Football has instant replay, but baseball can't incorporate anything like that into calling balls and strikes.  That's part of the game, but it's usually not so blatantly horrible.  Should any action be taken against umpires with calls this absurd? You be the judge, let me here your thoughts on this call!  All I have to say to Marty Foster is C'MON MAN!!

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