Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Boom Goes the Dynamite!

Andrew Bynum: The Great Philosophizer 
By Ryan Frisco

This section is devoted each week to an embarrassing performance by a professional athlete.

Oh, Andrew Bynum.  You come into Philly with so much hype, and do nothing but disappoint.  Dude, you're 24 years old with the knees of someone 80 years old after two failed double knee replacements.  Seriously?  When will we ever see you out on the court in 76ers gear?

Bynum graced the listing of our Not column two weeks ago.  In that instance, he was fresh off his loser statement regarding his potential return to the court.  "It doesn't really matter to me when I start playing again," or something like that.  Yeah, it doesn't matter to anyone else either.  Not to the owner who's paying him millions of dollars, not to Coach Collins who is trying his best to win games without his star player and especially not to the millions of fans who flock to games and cheer on the Philadelphia 76ers in the greatest sports city in the world.  No, you're right Bynum, no one cares when you come back.

As if that wasn't enough, he chose this week to add to his great portfolio of stupid quotations.  When being questioned on whether or not he would play this season, he said he would definitely be playing in 2013.  On a side note in that conversation, he went on to say that he could care less how the fans felt.  The NBA is a business and this is how it is.  Deal with it.

Really?  I'll tell you what, if there's one thing Andrew Bynum is great at, it's winning fans over.  He's probably as good at that as he is bowling.  I still can't figure out how he managed to do more damage to his knees bowling.

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I'm not a basketball fan in the least.  I haven't watched a basketball game since John Stockton and Karl Malone were in the heat of playoffs against the Chicago Bulls and Michael Jordan.  But somehow, I have been able to learn everything about the 76ers highest profile player to never play a minute.  

One other thought;  What is up with the hair?!  C'mon man!

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