Monday, February 4, 2013

And the Foul

By Ben Makin

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I found a fact online; the ACL is the worst thing that ever happened to sports. So, that may be an exaggeration, and people are probably saying, “Now Ben, modern science has diminished the time needed to recover, and players are coming back stronger than ever!” My response—“Shut-up...please.”

Look at it from this angle- throw out some rare cases of a few noted athletes who tore their ACL’s (Adrian Peterson-the only superstar, David West, Al Jefferson, Cory Brewer), and we have Tom Brady, Ricky Rubio, Tiger Woods, Michael Owen, and Derek Rose who all missed an entire season, or parts of 2 different seasons. All of these players were ascending the ladder, either at the prime of their careers, or slowly working their way to elite status.

    -Tom Brady was coming off statistically the most impressive season we’ve ever seen at the quarterback position. A loss in the Super Bowl, and a 50 TD record to break, Tom was headed for great things. BAM first game in there goes his ACL. Now a non-mobile quarterback becomes less mobile.
    -Now, picture a small white kid controlling the flow of an NBA game, diming left and right, a constant threat to make you look silly. No look pass here, through your legs there. POW Rubio takes a wrong step. Good-bye Ricky.
   -Michael Owen, coming of a huge contract, won the WORLD player of the year, gliding down the flank looking to cross- SLIDE, POP. Done. Career was never the same.
   -Tiger Woods- I think he has more problems than a bum ACL…
   -Derek Rose- Reigning League MVP and leading a very good bulls team in the playoffs. Jumping, shooting, dunking over players like they’re statues. Crossover, jump step, bucket- blown ACL.

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Enter Rajon Rondo. I think he was feeling left out of such an elite group, so he tears his ACL just to fit in. In what was a sad scene earlier this week, Jackie MacMullen had the displeasure of reporting that Rondo did in fact tear his ACL. The Celtic’s players were crushed to know their best player was done, and their playoff chances just got slimmer. 

What does this mean for the Celtics? Well originally it looked like trouble. The Celtics did win a big game at home versus Miami that day, but before that were on a big 6 game losing streak (3 of the loses were against sub-500 teams). Now without Rondo, the future looks worse for the C’s. BUT WAIT! Boston is currently on a four game winning streak (2 wins coming against Heat and Clippers) and look like a solid team again, riding Paul Pierce and Garnett like the golden years!

These four wins have been earned (they legitimately played well, Avery Bradley is stepping up and showing he can ball), but looking ahead, the Celtics are in for a rough February. Eight of their 11 games come against potential playoff teams, and another against the Raptors who are rejuvenated with the acquisition of Rudy Gay. That's tough for anyone, let alone a team who will be without their best player. After the month of February, we’ll be able to gauge how the Celtics really are. Personally, I think that Danny Ainge (Celtics GM) is going to have to shake things up. There is no way they can maintain the recent success they’ve been having for an entire month, let alone the rest of the season.  I do think the Celtics can still make the playoffs. The east is so weak this year, but so are the Celtics. I see them being quickly ousted by the 1 seed in 5 games.
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Garnett and Pauly P are old. KG has been about to retire for the last three seasons, and while he is practically playing at a defensive MVP caliber, he can’t anchor a team. Paul Pierce is clutch. His numbers are down, but he is doing what the team needs; passing, rebounding, taking the hard shots. It is impressive, but he can’t anchor a team either.  DROP THE HAMMER DANNY!

There will be a shakeup in Boston before the trade deadline. I think that Garnett (and maybe Pierce) is going to be traded, and the Boston Celtics are going to try and get younger. The only reason the KG and PP are still there is because the Celtics organization believed that with the youth of Rondo, the older guys could be role players en route to a championship. There is no chance of the Celtics winning a title without Rondo. Garnett’s stock is higher than its been in 3 years, and Paul Pierce’s is slowly falling, so now would be the best time to get rid of one of them for some youth. Barbosa and Terry are also up there in age, and could be used as trade bait. Like they did in 2008, the C’s could use a huge infusion of talent, and turn the eyes of the league.
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I hate to say it, but a new era in Boston is upon us. The Big 3 cannot stay put any longer if the Celtics want to seriously contend for a title. They have too rich of a history to swim in mediocrity, and you know Boston fans need wins. With a base of Rondo-Green (underrated defender)-Sullinger, the Celtics aren't high and out.  They need to assess the value of their aging veterans, and look to the future. Bring back the success we’ve come to know in Beantown.

This morning on twitter, there were rumors talking about a potential KG to LA Clippers trade. This would be exciting for LA, but I don't think the Clips have enough youth to entice the Celtics. They would never give up Crawford, and the Celtics would have two EXTREMELY good point guards next year if they acquired Bledsoe.

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