Monday, February 11, 2013

Boom Goes the Dynamite!

The Curse of Chris Culliver
By Caleb Musselman

This section is devoted each week to an embarrassing performance by a professional athlete.

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A novice sports fan might not have noticed. They might have praised Jacoby Jones for an unbelievable play. But anyone with true knowledge of the game winced as Chris Culliver gave one of the worst single-play efforts that I have ever seen.

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Flacco steps up in the pocket and launches a prayer down the field. Jacoby Jones has to slow down to catch the underthrown pass. If the pass was in stride, Culliver would have been clearly beat, but Flacco gave him a chance. Now, instead of turning to locate the ball or turning toward the player and extending his arms to attempt a deflection, Culliver turned towards the stands to wave to his Mom. Jones makes a great grab! Then Culliver touches him on his way past, right?  See Chris Culliver let Jacoby Jones score!
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After waving to his Mom, it seems that Culliver then forgot that he was an NFL athlete playing in the Super Bowl. He runs right by Jones and even side-steps him with a little jump to avoid the contact that would have resulted in Jones being down by contact around the 10 yard line. Jones quickly jumps to his feet and continues to make the San Francisco secondary look silly. One on one with Culliver from the 5 yard line, Jones runs across the field in hopes of eluding Culliver’s break-neck speed. However, Culliver decides to trot next to him and then simply stop while Jones enters the end zone. Like a puppy getting bored with his new ball, Culliver just stops his pursuit and concedes the touchdown without even attempting to tackle Jacoby Jones.  
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Every time I watch this play, it looks worse than the time before. What could have been a possible interception on a Flacco under-throw turned into the 2nd most embarrassing defensive display in this year’s playoffs (Moore you still have the top spot). From Gary in Remember the Titans, “Push him! Pull him! Do somethin!” I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Chris Culliver wins our “Boom Goes the Dynamite” award for this week because of his lack of focus, lack of brains and most of all his despicable lack of effort. C’MON MAN.

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