Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Boom Goes the Dynamite!

Role Model of the Year Takes Trip to Penalty Box
By Caleb Musselman

As you may know, our “Boom goes the Dynamite” section usually goes to an athlete who displays some type of embarrassing performance. This week we are giving it to someone just a bit less athletic. After a Pee Wee hockey game in Vancouver last week, head coach Martin Tremblay used some interesting tactics during the postgame handshake. Check it out:

Now, despite being one of the funniest videos of the month, this trip deserves a second look. Watch it again.
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First, it appears that “Coach” Tremblay’s team has won the contest. A few of his 11-12 year old players are pumping up the crowd in a victorious display of picturesque sportsmanship. Second, watch how all the young middle school players seem to be cordially exchanging handshakes and high fives as they glide through the line. Third, notice how Mr. Tremblay moves a bit quicker than the other coaches in getting through the line almost as if he has his sights set on a certain individual. Then, BOOM! In a quintessential moment of sportsmanship and valor, the biggest kid on the ice sweeps the leg and takes down his intended target as well as his little friend. Two kids with one leg. This is a truly remarkable feat. But he’s not done! Tremblay then proceeds to point and yell in the direction of the foe who he just felled.
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Now……where to start? Martin Tremblay, the role model of the year, has some anger issues. What could have possibly happened during that game that boiled his blood enough to take out an innocent opponent? Did one of the boys skate past the bench and tell him his hair looked bad? Or that his jacket was too big for him? Or even worse, that his momma’s so fat she uses double bladed hockey skates??!! What could possibly have happened that irked only him and not his pre-pubescent players?

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As this video leaked onto the internet and spread quicker than athlete’s foot in a boy’s locker room, Martin Tremblay was summoned to court. He pleaded guilty to assault charges and was sentenced to 15 days in jail. As he serves a major for his double minor trip (heh heh), Tremblay has found himself on ESPN.

Congratulations Martin, you’ve made a name for yourself. Despite your mediocre high school wrestling career, you’ve found a way to make the ESPN top ten. Wait, the not top ten. Either way, you’ve found your fame and fortune. When Tremblay is released he’ll be placed on the registered tripping offenders list. Wear your shin guards kids, Tremblay got the taste of fame and now he wants more.

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