Monday, February 11, 2013

Showcase Showdown

Will the LA Lakers Make the Playoffs?
By Caleb Musselman and Ben Makin

In the offseason, the Los Angeles Lakers created an All-star team. With the acquisition of Dwight Howard and Steve Nash, their starting lineup featured Nash, Bryant, World Peace (Artest), Gasol and Howard. Enough said. Many people in the sporting world wondered if this team would lose 10 games. Well, we are quickly approaching the All-star break, and the Lakers sit at 23-26. After a 3 game winning streak, they now have the same amount of losses as Philadelphia and sit in the 10th seed in the West. Things haven’t quite gone by the script.
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In this week’s Showcase Showdown, Ben and I are going to discuss whether or not the Lakers can crawl from the depths and squeak into the playoffs.
Ben says yes, I say no.

Caleb – The Lakers have the wrong coach implementing the wrong system. With D’Antoni and Nash paired in Phoenix, the fast break offense was quite spectacular to watch. They averaged over 100 points a game, and defense was an afterthought. Now, take the same system and place the slowest starting five in the league into it. Not quite the same results. Unless D’Antoni decides to change his style to a more defensive minded, half-court offensive scheme, the Lakers will continue to underperform. Add on and off injuries to Gasol and Howard, and things get a little hairy, my friend. Ben, you’re up.

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Ben- The intro says it all: They’ve assembled an all-star team; and contrary to the movie Miracle (which I love), All-Star teams do win!  The problem is getting them healthy.  Steve Nash and Dwight Howard aren’t playing like themselves because of injuries, and now Pau’s out. DOESN'T MATTER. Nash’s body is old, and while he has been back for a while now, he is just starting to find his groove (first time all season). Kobe is urging Dwight to play though the pain, and I think this tough love will put a fire under DH12 to start to produce. The Lakers have a 6-1 record in their last 7 games (against some playoff teams, you might add), and are starting to understand the way to play. Things are looking up for the team that is now only 3 games below .500, and 3 games out of a playoff spot. Your move.

Caleb - The argument that Dwight will be rejuvenated and invigorated by Kobe’s tough love doesn’t work for me. Dwight Howard is a massive princess. The most talented big man in the league, Howard has underperformed in every big spot he’s ever been put in. Very much like Bynum, Howard’s selfish attitude is sometimes laughable. After attempting to create his own version of “The Decision”, Dwight went where the light shines brightest: LA. However, he obviously wasn’t prepared for the limelight. Yes, he has been plagued by nagging injuries, but the Howard and Kobe feud proves that Dwight didn’t quite understand whose town he was moving to. LA is Kobe’s city, and until Dwight understands that, this team will fizzle around the .500 mark. There are no pushovers in the top eight of the West. Without team chemistry and unselfishness, I don’t see the Lakers gaining ground.

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Ben- He was traded to the Lakers, and is still under contract. It was not really his choice to go to LA, the Magic took the best deal they possibly could (which wasn't that great!). I think Dwight is slowly learning that he isn’t going to be king for a while. And while they might fizzle around the .500 mark for a while, that’s okay. It is known that there is a 1st half playoff team that tanks in the 2nd half. The Utah Jazz are that team. Their second half schedule is harder than ever, and the Laker’s is noticeably easier. Also, Kobe can put a team on his back. I don't care how old he is, how “selfish” he is, he’ll get it done. Look at this season, things start to look bleak- a small losing streak. BOOM Kobe changes his game and takes his team on a win streak. Sure, they still don't have a great record, but the Mamba is keeping them afloat. Dwight will settle in. He has too much pride to fizzle out. Nash’s locker room leader demeanor will soak on to the court. Once that happens, the LakeShow will be back, the Staples will be jumping.  Just like stew, give it time to brew.

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Caleb - Just the other day I was watching NBA TV and Bill Simmons, your favorite sports analyst, as he talked about the Lakers season. He basically said that the Kobe/Dwight abusive relationship is only going to get worse. Kobe is an atrocious off-the-court leader. You mentioned that Nash’s locker room leadership will help them, but he is and will continue to be choked out by Kobe’s ego. This town ain’t big enough for anyone else but Kobe. Additionally, the Lakers don’t have the role players to turn things around. World Peace will never change his game or his mentality, and this entire team needs to change their approach to the team and the game for them to be successful. The injury to Gasol will set the Lakers back even more during a time when they could potentially go on a run. The Jazz have historically dropped off but even if they do, which I don’t see happening, Portland is a highly skilled team that any #1 seed would like to stay away from in the first round. On paper you’d think that this Lakers team HAS to turn things around eventually, but this “every man for himself” high school musical is only going to get worse. I’m banking on them finishing right around .500. A few games out of the 8th spot.

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Ben-While I do love the Sports Guy, He has been known to be wrong. I think Kobe does have an ego problem, but at the same time Nash can have a calming effect on those players bothered by Kobe. Losing Gasol did hurt a lot, but with the emergence of Earl Clark (WHO?!) it’s not as big of a blow as one would think. Clark has scored in double digits 10 out of the last 13 games and is averaging a little over 9 rebounds a game in that same span. While he is still young, and not as consistent as Gasol, he has a better 3pt shot and creates matchup problems at the 4 spot. When Pau gets back, look for him (Gasol) to come off the bench and bear the load off the weak bench. He can fill in at center for Dwight, and is such a good passer, he will find perimeter players when he gets double teamed. This team has a lot of good pieces that will fit together once they can maintain some health and gain confidence in each other. And, good point Caleb, Portland will give the Lakers a run for their money, no doubt. The problem with Rip City is their bench is the worst of all playoff contenders. They have no solid depth, and this will cost them in the long run. One injury to their starting 5 and things could go south quickly (Like Minnesota last year). Lakers have enough star power to be able to withstand a couple injuries, Portland doesn't. I see the Lakers taking the eight spot and creating a VERY interesting round one.

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Caleb – If the Lakers do squeak into the playoffs, the absolute highest spot they will catch is the 8th seed. While the Lakers have shown a bit of promise during the last 2 weeks, they proved with losses to Boston and Miami that they are still an average team. Only in the Eastern Conference do average teams (Sixers, Bucks) make the playoffs. And the Los Angeles Lakers are a VERY average team. Last year, the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim put together an All-Star team. They were one of the top favorites to win the World Series, and with good reason. End result? A barely .500 record and no playoffs. The similarities are strikingly similar with the Lakers team. As they struggle to stay afloat in the second half of the NBA season, a lack of team chemistry, an unwillingness to play a team game and the wrong coach with the wrong set of players will send this team to the same fate as the LA Angels of Anaheim. Sometimes the stew is made with the wrong ingredients. No matter how long you let this stew brew, it’s going to taste like poo. Finish it off Benny boy.

Ben- While the Angels are a good example, I think there is precedent for teams putting an all-star team together and doing well (Miami). They played terrible their first season together (all be it better than the Lakers, but hold on). The media, if you remember, was very quick to say Spoelstra was a terrible coach, LeBron and Wade can’t play together, Chris Bosh looks funny, and they don't have a bench. While Miami ended up losing in the finals their first year, they had a great end of the season.  The same could happen for the Lakers on a smaller scale. Kobe doesn't want to miss the playoffs, it’s not what he does! I think he’ll keep his ego a little more under wraps than normal just to ensure a birth April 20, 2013 when the playoffs start. There’s a saying that I just love- Winners Win. Kobe is a winner and he’ll make sure he takes his team into the postseason. Then look out. If I had to play them first round I would be shaking in my boots, for 7 games who knows what this team could do with the star power they have.

Well Folks- we laid out the facts, now you decide. Let us know what you think in the comments section and vote on our poll to let us know if you think the Lakers will make it in!


  1. I gotta say that I think Benny won this one. No way does Kobe miss the playoffs.

  2. I would compare the Lakers this year to the Kings (NHL not NBA) last year. So many good players who just need time to develop chemistry. And once that out.

  3. This was an enormous stretch for me to argue. I would be slightly surprised if they don't make the eighth spot, but if they don't, i'll look like a genius. Without controversial opinions sports talk is just news.

  4. I'm going to go with Caleb on this one. I live in Philly and I've seen this show before: 2011, the Eagles bought the 'Dream Team.' Didn't work. No chemistry. It's beginning to look a lot like that in LA right now...
